STORE Bible Study

LIFT Year 4 Fall

3 units available. Choose the full collection or a single unit.

        Unit 1: God and the Israelites
        4 sessions. This unit covers the story of Moses leading the Hebrews out of slavery. It explores God’s power, provision, and protection It is that same power, protection, and provision by God that we can trust and follow today. Participants explore God’s call to Moses, God’s power and strength in the journey, God’s provision of food and water, and God’s instructions through the Ten Commandments, and how God provides, protects and instructs participants today. Sessions:
        1. God Calls (Exodus 3:1-12)
        2. God Protects (Exodus 12-15)
        3. God Provides (Exodus 15:22-17:7, Luke 11:2-4)
        4. God Instructs (19:1-6, 16-20, 20:1-17)

                Unit 2: Proclaiming the Word
                4 sessions. The stories of God’s people are our stories, too. If we believe God’s Word is important in our lives, we must know and share these stories as our own by telling the stories in worship, words, music, and prayer. Throughout, God is calling us to share our thoughts, our deeds, our doubts, our sorrows, and our challenges. We are urged to boldly share everything with God for nothing is hidden from our God. This unit explores various ways we learn and share the stories of our faith through music, creeds, and Scripture. Sessions:

                1. We Have a Story to Tell (Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Isaiah 61:1-2, Luke 4:16-21)
                2. Telling the Story (Psalm 103)
                3. Saying What We Believe (Genesis 1, Matthew 16:13-16, Acts 2:1-14)
                4. Stories of Hope (1 Kings 3:5-9 Psalm 13:1-2a Psalm 139:1-11)

                Unit 3: Jesus Teaches
                4 sessions. Jesus teaches life-changing truths to the crowds of people around him, the disciples and apostles and the religious leaders. His stories and words are unusual, amazing, challenging and often confusing. Jesus challenges us to think behind the obvious and urges us to focus not on earthly pleasures, needs and wants but on God who loves us and cares for us. Jesus teaches about the futility of worrying by focusing on the Creator God who made the birds and flowers. He instructs us to do to others whatever we would like them to do to us, keeping in mind that our Heavenly Father brings us only good gifts. This unit explores following and seeking of all God’s good gifts to build a foundation in God. Sessions:

                1. Consider the Lilies (Matthew 6:25-34)
                2. Do Unto Others (Matthew 7:7-12)
                3. On Rock and Sand (Matthew 7:21-27)
                4. Bread of Life (John 6:26-40)

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