Building Relationships with our Police

Posted by Liz Perraud at

Last night was one of my favorite nights of LOGOS at my church, despite the howling winds and torrential rains outside (tornado watch!). We invited some local police to come to dinner with 75 raucous (but lovable) children and their dedicated Table Parents to help us recognize our Family Time (dinner) theme "We love Police Night." They arrived early, were wonderful guests, seemed to enjoy their chicken patties, and engaged with all at their tables. Our creative Dinner Dean had each table play a car chase game with matchbox cars and elbows only. There are our guests in the picture with our pastor and our middle schoolers. Maybe next year we should also have them join us for recreation, worship skills, and Bible time. 

I told one, "Yes, we do this every Wednesday night" and his eyes got real big. He said he thought maybe it was just a special event. And then he said, "It's a lot of fun!" Yup. We know that faith is caught and then taught so that's why we (A LOT of "we") work really hard to build Christian relationships with these beautiful children and youth. And along the way, adults (of ALL ages) "catch the faith" too.A big shout out to the churches (all over the US and Canada) with thousands of called volunteers who make LOGOS happen. Here's to many more!

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