Rebuilding the fabric of church communities through intergenerational relationships

















from the BLOG

Two Questions: Mark Tizzard

Mark TizzardIntergenerational Mission Enabler for the circuits of the Southampton Methodist DistrictUnited Kingdom In each edition of IG Mix, we ask...

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Late life is a season of opportunities--for us and the church

Missy BuchananWriter-speaker on issues of faithful aging After my husband died unexpectedly in the Spring of 2023, I was wading...

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Faith formation for two or more generations together

Liz PerraudExecutive DirectorGenOn Ministries GenOn defines intergenerational ministry as nurturing Christ-centered community by bringing together two or more generations in...

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GenOn Ministries provides a wide-range of services, resources and support that help churches nurture the faith of people of all generations. For further conversation, please contact us at (412) 265-6541 or

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