Intergenerational Ministry Tools & Support

Download the free "Becoming Intentionally Intergenerational" brochure 

GenOn Ministries provides a variety of approaches to partner with your church to grow intergenerational community. Our staff promises to deliver unparalleled assistance for every approach both in the start-up and in sustaining your ministry. Contact us at (412) 265-6541 or

Keynote and Workshop Leadership

Invite GenOn staff to keynote and lead workshops on intergenerational ministry at your church and upcoming conferences.
See some of our recent engagements.

Intergenerational Ministry Development

We can guide you from where you are currently with Intergenerational Ministry, to where you want to be! Visit here to consider our Intergenerational Ministry Development Package, workshops, and training events.


Invite us for an online visit with your church. We are available to lead committee meetings, staff meetings, Sunday morning classes and special gatherings. Consider this option as a way to introduce intergenerational ministry to your key leaders. (Cost: $200 per hour) To schedule, complete an online Letter of Intent or contact Training Director Betsy Dishman to discuss the possibilities. 

Options for Intergenerational Gatherings

God's World in Community A seven-session, flexible, simple resource for intergenerational gatherings. Short, easy-to-do sessions consist of reading a Scripture passage, doing an activity based on the passage, and  praying together. Written for all ages. For use in small or large groups in person, online, or at home.

LIFT  (Living in Faith Together) invites all ages to share food, learn, worship, and have fun in small groups around tables. Using 1-2 key leaders to prepare and guide sessions — not teachers for multiple classes — it replaces or supplements traditional Sunday school and provides stand-alone 45-60 minute sessions.

All God's Children: The Church Family Gathers is a series (Lent, Summer, VBS, and Advent/Christmas) for 2 hour gatherings for generations to eat, play, study, and worship together.

LOGOS Generations learn and grow in faith together weekly in a program modeled after the early church in Acts 2:42 with time for Bible Study, Recreation/Mission, Worship Arts, and Family Time meal. LOGOS helps develop deep roots within the congregation when parents, grandparents, and other significant adults dedicate time to the ministry. Clergy and other volunteers of all ages from the church also serve, making this an intergenerational, congregational ministry.

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GenOn’s free bi-monthly e-newsletter includes insights, articles and announcements about developing lifelong disciples through intergenerational experiences. Hear from local LOGOS leaders, parents, pastors, and intergenerational experts. Read our newsletters >