LIFT Year 2 Spring

3 units available.

Unit 1: God's Promises
4 sessions. Introduces two stories about familiar men who endured perilous sea journeys. Noah is presented as a righteous man whom God employs to save a remnant of humanity and creation. Jonah is the anti-prophet, unwilling to preach God’s word to the hated Ninevites, because he knows God will forgive them. The stories affirm the covenant God has made with the creation, a relationship based on grace, a love more profound than we can imagine. Sessions:

  1. Noah's the Man! (Genesis 6:9-9:17)
  2. In Covenant with God (Genesis 8:1-9:17)
  3. Jonah's the Man! (Jonah 1-2)
  4. God’s Promise Is for All (Jonah 3-4)

    Unit 2: Life, Death, and the New Life
    4 sessions. Explores the signal events of Holy Week and the Resurrection of Jesus. Participants explore the disciples closest to Jesus and their experiences of loss, grief, and anguish at the death of Jesus, and then miraculously the risen Jesus and renewed hope. All disciples are challenged to live the implications of resurrection in the present life, bringing hope and relief to people who are most in need. Sessions:

    1. Remembering with the Disciple (Luke 22:7-20)
    2. Judas and Peter Betray Jesus (Mark 14:43-50, 66-72)
    3. Jesus Appears to the Disciples (Luke 24:13-35)
    4. A Man with a Mission (John 21:15-19)

      Unit 3: We Belong to God
      4 sessions. Explores the ways the Bible talks about how we belong to God and to one another. God created all humanity and claims us as his own; Jesus showed us how baptism unites us with God and one another; when we come to the table, whether at home, in the local diner, or at church, we share one loaf of bread as a reminder that we are all one body of Christ; and the Holy Spirit binds us to God and gives us spiritual gifts that we use to bring unity from diversity. Sessions:

      1. Belonging to God (Psalm 100:3; Romans 14:8; 1 Corinthians 3:23; 1 John 3:1)
      2. Belonging to God through Baptism (Luke 3:15-18, 21-22)
      3. Belonging to God through Communion (1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 11:23-26)
      4. Belonging to God through the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-13)

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