Intergenerational Ministry Becoming Intentionally Intergenerational

"As a child of the church, I feel included and loved. I like doing things at my church because they include children in almost everything. It’s good to have friends my age here as well as friends younger and older. We help each other love and serve God.” 


What is intergenerational ministry?

Intergenerational ministry nurtures Christ-centered community by bringing together two or more generations in planned and purposeful settings, where all are mutually invested. 

Guiding and Visioning

We can guide you from where you are currently with Intergenerational Ministry, to where you want to be! We recommend you begin with our Intergenerational Ministry Development Package for churches, or our Cohorts for Intergenerational Ministry Development, an approach designed for judicatory organizations. Contact us at (412) 265-6541 or for more information.

We recommend a simple and foundational six-step path for becoming intentionally intergenerational.

 intergenerational ministry how to

Contact GenOn Ministries to begin the conversation.
Review recommended books, articles, and websites on our Why Intergenerational page. Hold an Intergenerational Checkup Session.



intergenerational ministry how to


Use GenOn’s Intergenerational Ministry Snapshot to evaluate your congregation’s ministry areas: worship, study, service, and fellowship.
Choose one ministry area to focus on to modify or redesign using an intergenerational lens. 
Share your findings more broadly with the congregation and continue to pray for guidance.



intergenerational ministry how to


Learn about best practices, new ideas, and resources available for your chosen ministry area.
Explore GenOn’s key tenets: Christ-centered relationships, biblical process for calling leaders, and balanced ministry.
Continue to pray for wisdom and discernment.


intergenerational ministry how to

As a team, brainstorm, ideate and sort ideas for piloting an initial intergenerational gathering
in your chosen ministry area.
Create a journey map to list action steps, develop a timeline, define leadership roles and more. 
Hold a pilot intergenerational event, while seeking additional leaders and congregational support to launch more regular intergenerational gatherings. 


intergenerational ministry how to

Implement steps to launch from your journey map including feedback from the congregation.
Pray for fruitful gatherings that create an arena for intergenerational Christ-centered relationships to flourish.




intergenerational ministry how to

Continue to invite new people into leadership.
Implement steps for equipping and empowering leaders to sustain intergenerational ministry.
Stay in contact with GenOn for ongoing support through custom conversations, training, and resources.



intergenerational Sunday school

Options for Intergenerational Ministry 

Workshops & Training 


Need Funding Help?  DeHaven Fund  

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