STORE Ministry Area Resources

LIFT Year 3 Summer

3 units available.

Unit 1: Songs of Faith
4 sessions. The great songs of our faith are recorded in the book of Psalms. We learn words and expressions of praise, intimate connections between God and creation, the contrast between our frailty and God’s glory. It is among the psalms that we begin to understand the character of God and learn words to give life and depth to our praise: majestic, praise-worthy, never sleeping, awesome God! Many of the psalms celebrate God’s goodness to all and through everything. Enjoy spending some time with the words and phrases you may seldom use that stand out to you. God has good news for you. Sessions:

  1. Give Praise (Psalm 150)
  2. Look to God (Psalm 121)
  3. God is Always Present (Psalm 139)
  4. How Majestic is God’s Name (Psalm 8)

Unit 2: Steadfast Love
4 sessions. The story of Ruth is a beloved story of hardship and kindness, love and laws, faithfulness and courage. It takes place in the time of the Judges. Ruth becomes the great-grandmother of King David. Naomi and her family, living in Moab, have fallen on hard times. All of the men in the family have died: for women in that time, this status leaves them vulnerable. Naomi decides that she must go back to Bethlehem, where her extended family may offer some help. She attempts to persuade her daughters-in-law to stay with their families in Moab, where they might remarry and have security. However, Ruth makes a bold choice to continue to live with Naomi. She and Naomi travel to Bethlehem, where Naomi’s wise advice leads to Ruth’s relationship with Boaz, who is the kinsman redeemer for both women. Ruth trusts Naomi’s wisdom and relies on her to guide and direct her actions. In the story of Ruth, there are many examples of steadfast love. Sessions:

  1. Ruth (Ruth 1:1-18)
  2. Ruth and Boaz Meet (Ruth 2
  3. Naomi’s Plan (Ruth 3:1-3, 5-6, 9-11, 15-17)
  4. Ruth and Boaz Marry (Ruth 4)

Unit 3: What is a Disciple?
4 sessions. How do we move to a position of peaceful freedom and live to follow Jesus? Jesus has a solution that shows us the way. Jesus shows that the role of a disciple is the way of love. A disciple knows and treasures the Scriptures. A disciple loves the unlovable and difficult people and cares for all neighbors. A disciple knows that God loves with wide open arms and offers forgiveness and restoration to all. To care for and serve others as you would do for yourself is the lifestyle of a disciple. All we need hangs on the greatest commandments: Love God and love others. Sessions:

  1. The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40)
  2. Disciples Love Every (Luke 10:25-37)
  3. The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
  4. Disciples Serve as Jesus Serves (John 13:1-5, 12-15)



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