STORE Advent, Christmas, Epiphany

LIFT Year 4 Winter

3 units available.

        Unit 1: Good News is Coming
        4 sessions. The Advent and Christmas seasons are filled with gifts, celebrations, and the Good News of Jesus’ birth from the gospel of Luke. Good News is Coming explores the news delivered by angelic messengers, lived out by the families in the Scripture stories, and shared exuberantly with those who will listen to the shepherds. In each session, participants discover why these stories are important to us today. Sessions:

        1. Gabriel's Message to Mary (Luke 1:26-38)
        2. Mary and Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-66)
        3. Jesus Is Born (Luke 2:1-7)
        4. Good News, Great Joy (Luke 2:8-20)

                Unit 2: Joshua
                4 sessions. At Moses’ death, the Israelite’s leadership continued with God’s appointment of Joshua, who led the people into the land of Canaan. God would equip Joshua to be brave and strong. This unit on Joshua explores God’s call upon Joshua, teaches the stories of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River, and the stones of remembrance, discusses God’s command for the Israelites to rest, and reminds participants of God’s command to love God alone. Sessions:

                1. A New Leader (Joshua 1:1-9)
                2. What Do These Stones Mean (Joshua 4:19-24)
                3. The Lord Gave Them Rest (Joshua 21:43-22:4)
                4. Renewing the Covenant (Joshua 24:15)

                  Unit 3: God's Prophets
                  4 sessions. “God’s Prophets” serve as an introduction to four Biblical prophets who pointed the way to the Messiah. The expanded visions and lives of these prophets are complex and lengthy. This unit examines the calling of each prophet, their primary message, and some key points to know about each one. Prophets of God were courageous, inspired teachers and proclaimers of the will of God, who spoke often on behalf of God. Sessions:

                  1. Micah (Micah 6:1-8)
                  2. God Calls Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:1-9)
                  3. Swords into Plowshares (Isaiah 2:1-5)
                  4. A Voice in the Wilderness (Mark 1:1-11)

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