Matching Funds for December Donations

Posted by Liz Perraud at

Your donation to GenOn Ministries makes life-lasting faith formation possible. Will you give in response to what you've experienced through our ministry or in hope for the future? Or both?
We depend on financial gifts to further our mission and ministry. Will you help us reach more people, more churches, and more communities with the love of Jesus Christ? 
Good news! There is a matching challenge for the first $4,300 of donations made by the end of this year as well as funds to match new donors.
Donating is easy through the secured GenOn Ministries website.
Click HERE or mail a check to:
GenOn Ministries
P.O. Box 4
Springdale, PA 15144
Thank you!
We believe that an abundant life-giving relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the most important thing in life and that nurturing that relationship is the most important thing the church ever does.

That's our cause. That's what we're hoping you will support today. We are grateful to serve through your donations. 

Christmas and New Year's peace to you and yours,
Liz Perraud
Executive Director
GenOn Ministries

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