Two Questions: Mark Tizzard

Posted by Tracey Daniels at

Mark Tizzard
Intergenerational Mission Enabler
for the circuits of the Southampton Methodist District
United Kingdom

In each edition of IG Mix, we ask a guest writer two questions about serving in ministry.

What keeps you up at night?

The thought that keeps me awake at night is that, simply, we are just too late! I am concerned that we can't alter the direction that the church is moving quickly enough, and by the number of degrees needed, to avoid hitting the iceberg. Most of the churches that I'm seeking to help are growing older and growing smaller. This means the time left to put into practice some intergenerational tweaks is very small. 

What gets you up in the morning?

But, having said that, what gets me up in the morning is the firm belief that change is possible, and that for some churches, they do still have the time, the team and the willingness to listen to God and make a series of small but constructive changes that will bring about growth. But for those places that cannot do this, God's ministry and mission in those communities is still not over. But we do still need to find ways of discerning and connecting with the Missio Dei. At the heart of the Christian story is both the death and resurrection of Jesus -- so, why can this not also happen in the church!

Mark Tizzard is based in the South Coast of England, UK and work with a District of Methodist Churches. His role title is Intergenerational Mission Enabler, which means helping churches work towards an increased sense of being one across the generations. He's married to Julie, and they have two daughters in their 20’s who are both finishing university this year. 

More from the April 2024 IG Mix

Faith formation with two or more generations together


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