I am enough

Posted by Liz Perraud at

At GenOn Ministries we teach and believe that we are all created in the image of God. Much of that teaching centers around how we treat others--that we are called to treat one another as children of God and that no one has the right to treat others as if they do not matter. Can you imagine a world where everyone believes and practices this? Wow.

There are LOGOS programs sprinkled all over the US and Canada staffed with lots of adults of all generations who believe this and teach it to the children and youth. Generation after generation. Yeah! 

It is also important to believe that we ourselves are created in God's image. And to teach young people to believe that about themselves. Do they need to be reminded of that over and over again? And again? You bet.

Here's a wonderful prayer by Suzanne Stout, Minister of Family Life at First Christian Church, Des Moines, Iowa that is a great reminder for us all. 

May I know that I am enough,
enough love and grace,
enough compassion and generosity,
enough strength and justice,
just as I am,
in this moment and in every moment.

May I live trusting the truth of this,
relaxing into the moments of life
seeking to be authentic instead of worthy,
real instead of good,
loving instead of liked.

So that the truth of Me
gentles and softens its way 
into the adventure of living,
embracing life as it unfolds,
celebrating and sorrowing in turn,
rejoicing in the pleasure of being alive
as Me.


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