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Relationships: Student and Teacher (etc)

Relationships: 5 Actions for Character Strength

Distracted by love...

What does a GenOn Partner look like?

Teach them to sing



Relationships: Student and Teacher (etc)

Posted by Liz Perraud at

Yesterday I wrote on the first of two recent reports I’d heard on the importance of relationships. That one was from Search Institute about helping to influence the quality of family relationships. Read that article here. The second report was one I heard on NPR about a study from Germany measuring how well and how quickly kindergartners solve pattern recognition problems. The research showed that when a picture of a “liked” teacher was (quickly) interspersed with the other puzzle solving pictures, the students solved problems faster than students who didn’t see pictures of a “liked” teacher. One of the conclusions...

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Relationships: 5 Actions for Character Strength

Posted by Liz Perraud at

In the span of the last 24 hours, I’ve heard or read two reports about the importance of relationships. The first came from Search Institute with research about how schools can help parents help their children be good students. Typically, the emphasis has been on “parental involvement"--meeting with their child’s teacher, attending school meetings and events, and volunteering. Has this been the wrong emphasis? While recognizing that these opportunities may be of value, what is of more value, says their research, is helping parents with something that most are more willing and able to do: influence the quality of their...

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Distracted by love...

Posted by Liz Perraud at

"When we move the children out of the sanctuary, it’s like worshipping blindfolded. It might be easier to concentrate, but it’s harder to be distracted by beauty, by joy, by wonder, by heart-wrenching sobs and by soul-tending love." A loud, resounding AMEN to Karen Ware Jackson's profound words! Read the entire article here which lifts up the importance of bringing together the generations for worship.  And read lots of other articles here about the benefit of multiple generations gathering throughout the life of the faith community. GenOn Ministries has devoted over 50 years to teaching and equipping churches to develop...

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What does a GenOn Partner look like?

Posted by Liz Perraud at

What does a GenOn Ministries Partner Church look like? In 2015, 40 churches in the US and Canada committed to: An active LOGOS ministry A donation to GenOn Ministries of at least $10 Expressing and living out a commitment to the partnership These 40 churches represent:        11 different denominations (and non-denominational) Worship attendance well under 100 and over 1,000 Urban, small town, rural, and suburban Donations from $100 to $6,000 Long time LOGOS programs and start-ups We received our most recent Partnership commitment from a very small church in Pennsylvania with 10 children participating in LOGOS. Their...

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Teach them to sing

Posted by Liz Perraud at

I love to sing. Let me clarify. I love to sing in a very large group or in the car by myself. I think I was a better singer as a child. I must have been because I tried out for and made Folksingers when I was in fourth grade. We sang cool songs like Mr. Bojangles and Feelin’ Groovy (when they were brand new radio hits!). I also sang in the church choir (with adults!) around that same time. I think it’s a rule though that they had to take everyone, especially in a small church. I’ve always thought of...

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